The Studio Privacy Policy

Tormii, the vendor that created and published The Studio App, respect the privacy of all users while using the Studio App.

The Studio App should be used by customers of fitness gym that are using the "My Studio" App

The policy is an integral part of the usage policy and has to be respected by anyone who uses the Studio App

If you feel your privacy was compromised, please inform us at and we will handle it with priority. It is always possible to delete all data and historical data that is related to you

All information is stored in a secured private environment on AWS and only Tormii eligible personal have access rights to this data.

The information is saved during registration and during the operation of the App. Below you can see what kind of information is saved:

user registration

In this phase the user should provide his\her mobile phone number and a nickname. it is used by fitness gym owners to identify the user and by the App to send notifications to the user's mobile

In addition, the user must select personal password to be able to login to the App. The preferable password that will never be exposed and is protected by one-way encryption methodology

User Studio subscriptions

The Studio App enables registered users to subscribe to group fitness activities at their favorite Fitness gym

the information that is stored as part of this action:

Delete account

At any point, users have the option inside the App to remove their account (one of the options at the menu)

Once this option is selected, all user records are deleted from the system including personal info and subscriptions info


Users can choose to unsucscribe gtom activities

The entire information that is being collected by TheStudio service is not shared with any other third-party organization