Yafeli Business Privacy Policy

Tormii, the vendor that created and published Yafeli Business App, respect the privacy of all business owners, employees and their customers while using Yafeli Business App.

The Yafeli Business App should be used by the business owners and by the employees (anyone who provides services to the business customers)

The policy is an integral part of the usage policy and has to be respected by anyone who uses the Yafeli Business App: The business owners and their employees.

If you feel your privacy, your employees privacy, or your customers privacy was compromised, please inform us at support@tormii.com and we will handle it with priority. It is always possible to delete all data and historical data that is related to you and/or your employees and/or your customers in case you will request that

All information is stored in a secured private environment on AWS and only Tormii eligible personal have access rights to this data.

The information is saved during registration and during the operation of the App. Below you can see what kind of information is saved:

Owner registration

This is a required step that must be completed by the business owner before starting to serve the business customers via the App. In this phase, the business owner will be requested to provide:

Employee registration

Only business owners can register new employees other than themselves. When doing so, the owner must provide basic information of the employee like name and cellular phone and the system is responsible to generate a temporary password for that employee that will be sent to the employee's phone as a text message. Only the employee can see the temp password and will be requested to create a new one as soon as possible.

Define business working days and hours

Business owners can define days in the week and set activity hours for their business. later, every employee can override this data based on his/her preferences. This information is used by the system when presenting the customers options to schedule treatments via the end-user "Charm" App. In any case, customers will not be exposed to any information that can imply why the employee is not available at a certain date and time

Define "my" days-off

any employee, be it the owner or one of the business employees, can define days off up to 6 months ahead that will override the previous working days and time set for the business and for themselves. Also here, customers will not be aware of the reason why the employee is not available on a certain day unless they will be told by the employee/owner

Define set of services

Each employee can define the type of services he/she can provide to the business customers. This information will be exposed to customers via the end-user "Yafeli" App when coming to schedule a new appointment

Activity report

Employees using the app have access to the appointments scheduled by customers or by themselves. Business owners can see their own appointments and the appointments set for the business employees. Employee who is not also the business owner, will have no access to the information of another employee.


The app is making use of Cookies in order to simplify the work for you. Allowing cookies enables you to log-in only once when using a specific device. Without it you will have to provide your user credentials in every use of the App

Delete account

users can easily delete their account with all associated information by useing the "delete account" option from the top manue in the app

Delete information

every information like type of treatments, actual treatments, working days and hours can be deleted by the user from the application

The entire information that is being collected by Yafeli business service is not shared with any other third-party organization